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Baby & Co.
HD Ultrasound Studio, LLC

Specializing in 2D, 3D, 4D & HD Ultrasound Imaging 

Welcome to Baby & Company!  Bring your family and friends and enjoy seeing your baby in our inviting and comfortable studio setting.  I cannot wait to help you create some precious memories!!  I offer a wide variety of ultrasound packages!   **these are elective, NON-medical ultrasounds and DO NOT replace ultrasounds requested by your doctor**


Sneak Peek

10 minute 2D Ultrasound $55 *7 weeks and up*Sweet little sneak of your baby, at least 2 printed black & white images. Calculate baby’s heartbeat & weight **gender NOT determined with this package** Please come with a full bladder for best images.

He or She? What will it be?!

Gender determination scan $85 *Must be at least 14 weeks*15-20 minute 2D ultrasound.  At least 2 black & white prints Hear baby’s heartbeat and measure size of baby**come with a full bladder for best image quality**


Peek A Boo

20 minute 2D/3D/4D ultrasound $125. *best done after 16 weeks At least 4 black & white prints. All images emailed to you. Baby’s  heartbeat, weight, position & check  for hair! ADD-On a heartbeat animal for $35 plus taxPlease be sure to drink plenty of water the week of your session and come with a full bladder. Eating before the session is also recommended. This will usually have your baby more active. $80 return visits!!! 


30 minute 2D/3D/4D & HD Live ultrasound $175.00 *best done after 18 weeks  At least 4 black & white prints. All images emailed to you. 
Calculate baby’s heartbeat, weight, position, check for hair PLUS a heartbeat animal of your choice! **Most popular package!!** Unlimited return visits for only $85 each session with this package!! **be sure to drink plenty of water the week of your session and come with a full bladder. I also recommend you eat before you come, this usually makes the baby more active.**


SneakPeek Gender DNA blood test 

**Monday-Thursday ONLY

If done after 2:30 they will not ship out until the following day 

**must be 8 weeks!**99.9% accurate!!**

$129  for regular blood draw.** If you’re dehydrated or a difficult stick and I have to use a SnapKit it will be an additional $10 fee

 upgrade to rush results for just $20!

****ADD a sneak peek 2D ultrasound for just $25!!**

you can add on the ultrasound when you arrive at the studio 

It’s best to drink plenty of water at least 4 days prior to your appointment. ALL appointments require a deposit upon booking. This is to prevent no-shows. Appointments must be cancelled or rescheduled within 48 hours or deposit will not be refunded. ** if you are 10 minutes late for your appointment you will be considered a no-show** Thank you for understanding.

Ultrasound FAQ's

Is Ultrasound Safe for my baby?

What training have you had?

Do you accept insurance?

What if we don't get "good" pictures?

What is the best time to have an elective ultrasound?

How long will my Ultrasound last?

What if we can't tell the gender of the baby?

Can I bring family and friends?

Know Before you book

You must be under the care of a physician.  These ultrasounds are for entertainment only and not to replace a medical ultrasound. 

Hydration plays a very important part in obtaining ultrasound images.  It is strongly encouraged to drink PLENTY of water at least 4 days leading up to your appointment. 

Ultrasounds are best preformed before 38 weeks and the quality of these elective ultrasounds depend on several factors: the baby's position, gestational age, amount of amniotic fluid, location of placenta and mother's body habitus.

If you do not see an appointment time that works for you please call!  If you do not get an answer please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

ALL appointments require an online deposit upon booking.  Appointments MUST canceled within 48 hours or deposit will NOT be refunded.  This is to prevent no-shows.  ** if you are 10 minutes late for your appointment you will be considered a no-show** Thank you for understanding!


Unfortunately we are living in the crazy time of COVID and for the safety of myself and all customers I ask that you reschedule if you are sick or if you have been exposed to anyone with COVID.  Please do not bring anyone with you if they are sick or if they have been exposed to anyone with COVID.  Thank you for understanding. 

Meet the owner

Brandy Shaw is the owner and operator of Baby & Co. HD Ultrasound Studio, LLC. Brandy graduated ultrasound school in 2008 and is a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, specializing in Obstetrics. She has worked in hospitals and Doctor offices and is thrilled to branch out on her own. Brandy has a passion for “scanning babies” and is very excited to bring her dream of opening a 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio to a reality!  

Baby & Co. HD Ultrasound Studio, LLC offers 2D, 3D, 4D And HD Live prenatal Ultrasounds. We also offer SneakPeek early gender testing as well as heartbeat animals, gender reveal supplies, baby clothing and baby gifts!!

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What is the difference in 2D, 3D, 4D and HD Live

2D Ultrasound Imaging

Standard black & white imaging used during obstetric ultrasound. It produces 2 dimensional or "flat" images of what is happening inside the mothers and baby's body.

3D/4D Ultrasound imaging

3D ultrasounds are 3 dimensional, instead of just seeing a profile view of your baby’s face, in a 3D ultrasound you can see the whole surface4D ultrasound is similar to a 3D ultrasound, but the image shows movement, like a video. In 4D  you see your baby doing things in real time like opening and closing his/her eyes, smiling, yawning and even sucking his/her thumb.

HD live

HD Live or "High Definition" ultrasound (5D) uses a movable light source inside the probe that not only provides both 3D and 4D imaging, but “lights up” the baby, making it possible to see the facial expressions of the baby.HD live ultrasound provides realistic views of your baby by providing better depth perception. We can change the position of the light and more clearly see the baby’s lips, nose and eye lids.

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